Directed by Prem Soni, the film is due out in India later this year, with Zinta herself serving as producer.
According to BollySpice, who have the first look at this poster, the award-winning Saroj Khan (Agneepath, Agent Vinod) has choreographed a number in the film, and brothers Sajid and Wajid Ali, a.k.a. Sajid-Wajid (Rowdy Rahore, Wanted), are behind the music.
Though the plot remains under wraps, the time-stamps on the poster would suggest that the film takes place over one long evening (and well into the early hours of the morning), which is often a great set-up for a film when it’s done well.
Ishkq in Paris will be released in India on 21st September. No word yet on if/when it will be coming to the UK, but you’ll know as soon as we do. For now, enjoy this first look at the film with its great first poster, which you can click to enlarge.