Speaking to the Fast & Furious veteran, Collider has managed to uncover the biggest scoop so far. After weeks of speculation, Moritz confirmed that Colin Farrell has indeed been cast in the lead.
This perhaps offers some reassurance for fans of the original that at least the makers are intent on bringing decent talent onboard, and further encouragement comes in the reveal that this film will be closer to the original Philip K. Dick story (We Can Remember It for You Wholesale) than Paul Verhoeven’s version was, and any plans to film in 3D (a process that seems a little a odds with this content) have been jettisoned too.
The film is still intended to be a big “tentpole” movie however, and Moritz appears to be really excited by Die Hard 4.0 director’s vision.
“I think the world that Len Wiseman is creating is incredible. It’s a real world, a real future world, where the cities have just gotten so overcrowded that the cities are just built up, up, up, up. It’s just everything I see on the movie, every pre-vis I see on the movie, every conceptual drawing on this movie that I see just makes me more and more excited.”
Here’s hoping that a similarly thrilling action adventure can be fashioned out of this material again. It’s an intriguing premise which could easily lend itself to another translation, and the progress made so far (particularly with the hiring of Farrell) is promising.