La Maison, Apple TV’s newest series, plunges viewers into the tumultuous world of Vincent Ledu, a renowned fashion designer whose family’s iconic couture house, LEDU, is teetering on the brink of collapse. Played by Lambert Wilson, Vincent is not only grappling with the pressure of maintaining his legacy but also facing a deeply personal betrayal.
His estranged brother, once a close confidant, has aligned himself with Diane Rovel, the powerful owner of a rival fashion house. Diane, portrayed by acclaimed French actress Carole Bouquet, is Vincent’s fiercest competitor. Together, they threaten to dismantle everything he’s built. Their complex relationships add layers of family drama and professional rivalry to the series. To make matters worse, Vincent’s reputation takes a hit after a leaked video surfaces in which he makes racially insensitive remarks.
HeyUGuys had the opportunity to discuss these intense dynamics with Lambert Wilson, Carole Bouquet, and the rest of the cast. Wilson delved into Vincent’s vulnerability beneath his creative genius, particularly as he faces a fall from grace and imminent cancellation. Bouquet, on the other hand, revealed the calculating ambition behind Diane Rovel, a character willing to do whatever it takes to dominate the fashion world.