kick ass poster thumbIt’s not going too far to suggest that one of the most anticipated movies released next year is Matthew Vaughn’s adaptation of the Mark Millar comic book Kick-Ass, and if the report from our friends over at Den of Geek is any indication, this film will be a bright shining star of unadulterated violence and enjoyment that will drop jaws and put a much needed spin on the deluge of superhero films in our cinemas.

I can do nothing more than quote a few choice phrases and urge you to head on over to read the review of a, admittedly incomplete, version of the film in London.

Of course spoilers crop up like crazy in the report but if you’re not sure if Matthew Vaughn has nailed this and created a wonderfully original and unique take on the superhero world, then you’ll be persuaded.

So, if the phrases:

It was funny, touching, brutal, controversial and original. For me, the best film I’ve seen this year.

Kick-Ass has the honour of being one of those rare films to make my jaw drop.

Hit-Girl is going to make the Daily Mail shit kittens.

don’t make you want to read this then you probably won’t enjoy the film.

I loved reading this look at a work very much in progress, but now it’s at the top of my list for 2010.
