This movie is primarily going to be based on the eighteenth instalment (also titled Never Go Back) and was written by Richard Wenk (The Expendables 2”), Marshall Herskovitz (The Last Samurai), and director Ed Zwick, the filmmaker responsible for Defiance and Blood Diamond.
A plot synopsis for the Jack Reacher (an unexpected hit back in 2012) has yet to be released, but in the video below, Smulders introduces us to her character Major Susan Turner, and teases how she’s tied to the titular hero. “He’s alone and he’s sort of in his element and then he couples up with me and all hell breaks loose. We’re on the run for this entire movie.”
Never Go Back is set to be released this October, and the trailer should be with us any day now, so stay tuned for that the second it drops. For now, here’s that new sneak peek…