Another day, another marketing slap around the face from the WB people for their much vaulted Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises.

There’s a new TV spot at the foot of this post which has those snippets of new footage that entice Batfans so, though the overall message still seems to be IT’S GOING TO BE DARK. AND AWESOME. AND DAAAARRRRKKKKK. (BUT AWESOMELY DARK). Check it out if you want to see another few seconds of the film.

But before that we have some posters which I’m sure will be outed as either fake or a terrible mistake but they appear to be new promo posters for the film. I can’t believe it personally but here’s the gallery of assorted horrors. Absolute guff guff the lot of them.

[yframe url=’’] had the video. Coming Soon the ‘posters’