This news comes from the chaps over at AICN who recently got a tip-off from someone called Son of Rothman stating that Matthew Vaughn who is writing and directing the next X:Men movie, X:Men: First Class, has cast Aaron Johnson as Cyclops in the new movie.

Johnson and Vaughn recently worked together on Kick-Ass early this year which is still in my top 3 movies of 2010 so far. People have been speculating that Johnson would join Vaughn in some way, shape or form and this could be the answer – if it is indeed true.

AICN seem to think the tip-off is legit and we’ll see an official announcement in the near future.

Here’s the full info:

Aintitcool Gang,

I work in the [REDACTED] and we heard today that Matthew Vaughn found his young Cyclops and it shouldn’t be any surprise because he worked with him before. It’s Aaron Johnson. This is one hundred percent locked at this point. Thought you guys should know.

Call me “Son of Rothman”