class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-133879″ title=”Gary Oldman – Jameson Empire Awards 2012″ src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”150″ />This evening at the Jameson Empire Awards at the Grosvenor House hotel in London, we caught up with the legendary Oscar nominated actor Gary Oldman who collected the award for Best Actor in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
After he received the award he came into the press room to answer questions about the award and we also managed to get in some about The Dark Knight Rises and awards ceremonies in general. He surprised us all by calling the Golden Globes ‘bent’ (take of that what you will). I am guessing that word isn’t really used in this context in the US but I guess I’d liken it to ‘dodgey’. Do you use that USA peeps?
Russ from Red Carpet TV News also asked about the ‘problems’ with the Bane (played by Tom Hardy) in Christopher Nolan’s third batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. He wasn’t aware of the issues and thought that all should be fine with Nolan at the helm. he describes the movie as ‘epic’ but not just ‘spectacle’. He then talks about how he looks after his scripts.
He also talks about the possibility of the possibility of their being a sequel (only not a sequel) to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Smiley’s People following the series of books by John le CarrĂ©. Finally he talks about Harry Potter and why he thinks it should have had it’s own award at the BAFTAs and Oscars this year as its an ‘achievement, a cinematic achievement’ .
Check out the interview below and keep your eyes peeled for many many more interviews from the Jameson Empire Awards 2012.