While perusing around YouTube I came across this trailer by a guy called “vadoskincheg”. It’s three minutes of pure awesomeness. He created a mash up of 50 movies and cut it together to make a one trailer. Using clips from all sorts of different films like Sherlock Holmes, Terminator Salvation, New Moon, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Transformers, 2012, Pineapple Express and many many others, this guy was actually able to make it flow. When I saw Pineapple Express, I thought that was a sort of one-of-these-kids-is-doing-their-own-thing-one-of-these-kids-does-not-belong type of thing, but it totally works! Even the music fits!
Take a couple of minutes and check it out. Totally worth it and see if you can keep up on all of the movies represented. Let us know your thoughts afterwards!