David Fincher, Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, and Gillian Flynn did such a brilliant job in their respective jobs on Gone Girl, it’s hard to imagine Dark Places competing.
The comparison is of course unfair in many ways, but it’s one that will undoubtedly be made in the coming weeks and months. The thriller adaptation is set to hit French cinemas next month, and Mars Films recently launched the first international trailer to give us an idea of what to expect.
Charlize Theron is front and centre in the lead, with a stellar cast surrounding her, topped by Nicholas Hoult, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christina Hendricks, Corey Stoll, and Tye Sheridan.
This time around, Gilles Paquet-Brenner (Sarah’s Key) is at the helm, with a script he wrote himself.
Flynn did superb work adapting her own novel for the big screen in Gone Girl. And though the rewritten third act that was teased didn’t turn out to be all that different, it was still an excellent script, one I think the Academy overlooked when the Oscars rolled around. It should be interesting to see someone else give their own take on her work.
Dark Places is due to be released in France on 8th
Note: Trailer contains swearing