The High Cost of Living is directed by Deborah Chow, making her directorial debut, and stars Zach Braff, Isabelle Blais, Patrick Labbe, Aimee Lee, Julian Lo, Kyle Switzer and Sean Lu.
The romantic drama has been selected to premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival.
Synopsis: The High Cost of Living centres on the burgeoning relationship between an unlikely pair. Nathalie (Blais) is expecting her first child and Henry (Braff) is on his way to his next drug deal. Their paths fatefully collide one night in an event that will irrevocably change their lives.
I like Zach Braff, and the story here seems solid. I just hope it’s more like Garden State than The Last Kiss or The Ex.
I’ve embedded a few of the images below, head over to Collider to see the full gallery: