There were apprehensions from fans of Sicario when they announced there would be a sequel. A change of director, composer and cinematographer, not to mention the lack of involvement from Emily Blunt, and all in all, it just didn’t sound like the best idea in the world. But there was something that did draw us in, that gave is hope the film could live up to its predecessor; Benicio del Toro.

We had the pleasure of meeting the man himself – though as you’ll soon be aware, we didn’t quite dress up for the occasion. Nonetheless, what transpired was an interesting chat with one of the world’s very best, as we discussed his own uncertainties regarding this sequel and what drew him in. He speaks about the levels of corruption in the world, researching characters of this nature, and we ask what it’s like to be involved in such huge cinematic franchises such as Star Wars and the MCU.

Watch the full interview below:


FBI agent Matt Graver calls on mysterious operative Alejandro Gillick when Mexican drug cartels start to smuggle terrorists across the U.S. border. The war escalates even further when Alejandro kidnaps a top kingpin’s daughter to deliberately increase the tensions. When the young girl is seen as collateral damage, the two men will determine her fate as they question everything that they are fighting for.

Sicario 2: Soldado is released on June 29th.