Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson Dunn, Director David Yarovesky and Producer James Gunn are interviewed by DaniElle DeLaite for their movie Brightburn which moulds the superhero movie with the horror genre. The film was written by Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn and also stars Abraham Clinkscales, Christian Finlayson, Jennifer Holland and Emmie Hunter.
Jackson Dunn talks about the many different variants of the Brightburn suit he tried on, and then how he felt stepping into the final costume. Elizabeth Banks tells us about the time she walked into the dressing room with dozens of Brightburn masks staring at her.
RELATED: We loved the film – here’s our glowing review.
James Gunn talks about taking elements of the superhero and horror genres and making something new and exciting. The idea of a superhero that was actually a supervillain is a very simple one, and Gunn talked about deconstructing superhero myths to help bring this idea alive.
The director David Yarovesky spoke about seeing Jackson Dunn’s audition tape (which was the first one he saw) and how the character came alive. He also speaks to the process of creating the look of the titular character to be iconic and instantly recognisable as something to be afraid of.
Brightburn is out in UK cinemas on the 19th of June. Well worth your time.
Brightburn Cast, Producer and Director Interviews
What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?