Vern has been writing reviews for more than 10 years now and his comedic style of writing lends itself to a book with a collection of reviews from various different movies very well. Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer! takes multiple movies from different genres and looks at them in depth using his usual frank and comedic style that you can see on his blog posts.
The product description given by Amazon tells your more:
With the hilarious ‘instant cult classic’, “Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal”, Vern wrote a book that shook the very foundations of film criticism, broke their wrists, and then threw them through a window. Now he’s back, and this time he’s got all of ‘the films of badass cinema’ in his sights…From “Die Hard” to “The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie”, “Transformers” to “Mary Poppins”, Vern has an opinion on everything, and he’s not shy about sharing them.
Since AICN is now such a huge movie blog (one that we look up to ), it’s no wonder than Vern has become a celebrity in the eyes of the movie blogger world. This book will open your eyes into his world of films and how he gets to meet various directors and actors through his writings.
This book is good since you can dip in and out or even just find the reviews that you want to read. But if you want a book to read that will both inform you about movies and keep your entertained for the hours it takes you to read, then this is most definitely worth purchasing.
Yippe Ki-Yay Moviegoer! is available to buy now!