A user on DeviantArt known as iamclu has published these rather fantastic images that put us right onto The Grid in Tron. Ever wondered what Buzz Lightyear would look like on The Grid? Well, wonder no more as we get to see what Buzz may look like if ever he stepped into Kevin Flynn’s computer system, or even a brand new London Bus (which I think the last time I saw was at the Beijing Olympics when David Beckham appeared at the top of it to kick a football off the top at the Closing Ceremony!). Interestingly, there is somewhere called Liverpool Street inside The Grid! I wonder if Kevin Flynn took a trip to London before programming that particular vehicle into his system!
The icing on the cake however has to be London’s very own Tube Map which has been completely changed or ‘Tronified’ if you will! Instead of ‘Underground’, we have ‘The Grid’ with a neon tube map which I personally plan to print off and use for my regular trips to London from this day forth! Who’s with me?!!
Tron: Legacy is currently in cinemas across the UK and you can keep track of our coverage here and click these amazing images below to enlarge!