There’s been lots of Avengers news today, with the biggest arguably being Marvel finally confirming reports that Joe and Anthony Russo will direct Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Avengers: Infinity War Part 2.

They’ll tackle Captain America: Civil War first of course, and that movie will bring the classic storyline from the comics to life pitting Cap (Chris Evans) against Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), as well as introducing Black Panther to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with actor Chadwick Boseman ahead of his own film in Phase 3.

Joss Whedon has said a number of times recently that Avengers: Age of Ultron will be his last movie for Marvel (for the time being at least) as he has a desire to move on and tackle some original content.

Talking of the sequel, Kevin Feige tells Entertainment Weekly that while it will have a mid-credits scene, there won’t be anything AFTER the credits. UK fans will be used to that anyway as the Schwarma tag was a US exclusive back in 2012. The Marvel Studios boss also debunked reports of a cameo from Captain Marvel.

Finally, a brand new TV spot has been released for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it’s packed full of brand new footage as the heroes go to war with Ultron and his robotic army. If you’re looking to prepare for the movie which hits later this month, be sure to click here to find out which comic book stories you should check out.