Michael Fassbender has been a busy man of late. Reprising his role as Magneto in X-Men: Apocalypse, working with his now real-life partner Alicia Vikander (who has been cast as the new Lara Croft) in The Light Between Oceans, driving cars like a nutter in Trespass Against Us and prepping to commence filming Alien: Covenant (Promethus 2) with Ridley Scott.
On top of all these he’s also found time to play the lead role in the brand new adaptation of huge popular computer game Assassin’s Creed as Callum Lynch / Aguilar.
Twentieth Century Fox have released this brand new featurette they’ve called ‘Builing the World’ which shows great insight into how the latest computer game movie has been created. Time will tell if they’ll be able to break the tradition that seems to plague adaptations of this nature.
Assassin’s Creed also stars Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson, Charlotte Rampling, Michael K. Willaims and Khalid Abdalla and is directed by Justin
If you missed our recent interviews with Michael Fassbender at the premieres of The Light Between Oceans & Tresspass Against Us, junket interviews and press conference, click this way!
Assassin’s Creed Synopsis
Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.