La Vie en Rose

Édith Piaf (Marion Cotillard) – La Vie en Rose

The performance presented by the ever-brilliant Marion Cotillard in the equally sensational La Vie en Rose is something to seriously cherish. Her embodiment of legendary French singer Édith Piaf is amongst the most haunting and unequivocally beautiful biopic screen turns.

Her voice is a marvel; a finely tuned instrument that bleeds with heartache and longing, whilst her psychical presence switches from elegant glides to curled crunches of agony. The audience witness Piaf’s life in all it’s glory and indeed horror as Cotillard invites us into her world with dizzying accuracy.

The fact she won the Best Leading Actress Oscar in a French language film speaks volumes of her validity – she gave the best performance of that year by far, and now it ranks amongst the best ever.

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Chris' love affair with cinema started years ago when school teachers would moan to his parents that he spends too much time quoting & not enough working. He has a degree in Film Studies now so how do you like those apples past teachers and doubters? Despite being a romancer of all things Woody Allen & Michael Haneke, Chris has favourite films in the majority of genres and is a complete sucker for bumbling indie types. He's also prone to gazing at beautiful actresses - particularly Felicity Jones, Jennifer Lawrence & Scarlett Johansson - for overly long periods of time. Just thought we'd warn you ladies...