class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-71733″ title=”Toy Story – Woody” src=”” alt=”” width=”215″ height=”186″ />You those of you who are in need of another Toy Story fix already, not one but two shorts are on the way.
Variety has posted an article about Disney’s future plans for its various franchises. It’s revealed in the piece that Woody and Co. will be receiving their own cinematic short features alongside the studio’s big releases.
Toy Story Hawaiian Vacation will be shown in front of this summer’s Pixar sequel Cars 2, with the second short due to be attached to the upcoming Muppets reboot.
From a brand awareness and business point of view, this is an excellent opportunity for Disney and Pixar to keep there properties alive and fresh in cinemagoer’s minds, especially if a third sequel was in planning stage somewhere along the line (remember, Toy Story 3 made over $400m domestically).