This origin tale takes The Flash back to World War II, where he finds himself in a battle between Nazis and a team of Golden Age DC Superheroes known as The Justice Society of America. Justice Society: World War II is the latest addition to the popular series of the DC Universe Movies, and you could win a copy on Blu-Ray.

Prior to the formation of the Justice League, a modern-day Barry Allen discovers he can run even faster than he imagined, and that milestone results in his first encounter with the Speed Force. The Flash is promptly launched into the midst of a raging battle between Nazis and The Justice Society of America. Led by Wonder Woman, the group includes Hourman, Black Canary, Hawkman, Steve Trevor and the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick. The Flash quickly volunteers to assist his fellow heroes in tipping the scales of war in their favor, while the team tries to figure out how to send him home. But it won’t be easy as complications and emotions run deep in this time-skipping World War II thriller.

This action-packed story is directed by Jeff Wamester and stars the voices of Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia, A Call To Spy) and Matt Bomer (Doom Patrol, White Collar, The Boys in the Band), who made their DC Universe Movies debuts as Lois Lane and Superman in the 2013 film Superman: Unbound. They return to the popular animated film series in the lead roles of Wonder Woman and The Flash for Justice Society: World War II.

HeyUGuys CompetitionsPlease note: This competition is open to UK residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Justice Society: World War II is available on Digital April 27th
and Blu-ray and DVD May 10th

© 2021 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved © DC Comics

The Small Print

  • Open to UK residents only
  • The competition will close 10th May 2021 at 23.59 GMT
  • The winner will be picked at random from entries received
  • No cash alternative is available
  • Please note prizes may be delayed due to COVID-19
  • To coincide with GDPR regulations, competition entry information will not be stored once the competition has ended and the winners have been chosen and prizes sent out.

The usual T&Cs can be found here. Good Luck!