Here’s a title I never thought I’d read about again, especially when being mentioned in the same breath as Hollywood!

Deadline are reporting that Warner Bros have picked up the rights to an old BBC kid’s comedy programme called RentaGhost which they intend to develop for none other than Russell Brand.

Some of you may be old enough to remember (I know that I am!) the series ran from 1976-1984 and featured a dead guy named Fred Mumford (the character which Brand is interested in playing) who attempts to set himself up in a business with a couple of other ghouls, starting a kind of afterlife temp agency.

This seems like such an extremely quaint and surreal project to receive the big-budget Hollywood treatment, but Brand (who must have been the brains behind bringing this property to the studio’s attention) must be able to see some real potential in the material.

For those of you who can recall, Brand would seem a more logical choice for the role of ghoulish jester, Timothy Claypole, whose foppish, flamboyant behaviour may have been an early inspiration for the comic.