Starring a paranoid monkey, a pirate bird and dolphins with a peculiar wind problem to name a few, the clips usually last about 30 seconds. You’re laughing all through the one, then quickly taken to the next scenario. It’s this fast moving, varying show that keeps your eyes fixed on the screen, and your throats sore by the end after laughing so much. Some sketches may not be to your taste, but that doesn’t matter, because soon enough that’s over and you’re taken to the next one.
The comedians involved with the narration include Jason Manford and Stephen Fry, so you can guarantee the show’s got that edge to its comedy. The scenes vary from typical household problems that would occur in any family, to quirky odd humour along the lines of Flight of the Corchords. It really is an all-rounder when it comes to the audience. Even those with a heart of stone will lighten to this show as it’s just such a silly and easy thing to laugh along with.
The DVD includes all episodes from the TV series, with an added bonus of a behind the scenes feature to show how the programme is put together. Those involved look like they have a great time recording this show, and you can see why. As soon as the programme comes on, you’re quickly taken back to a childlike state, laughing at the ridiculousness of the plot to this programme.
If you enjoyed series 1, there’s no doubt about it, you’ll enjoy series 2. If you’ve never watched an episode, believe me, once you’ve watched one, you’re hooked – You’ll be Youtubing clips, sending them to your friends, and mimicking their voices for a very long time afterwards.
Click here to order your copy of the series which is released today.