To celebrate the finale of House of the Dragon: Season Two and its arrival to buy on digital formats, we had the pleasure to chat with Aegon II Targaryen himself Tom Glynn-Carney about the whirlwind of the last weeks and much more in between.

Based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood and set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series tells the story of House Targaryen. Starring

Chatting to Glynn-Carney, he talks about his initial thoughts on joining such a huge series, his excitement in returning for season two, his love of Aegon II Targaryen and why he was drawn to him, and all his complexities, his influences in bringing this complex character to life, fan reactions to the finale and season as a whole, what is next and why he cannot wait to find out what the future holds – fans should be excited…

You can watch our extended chat below:

House of the Dragon: Season Two is available to buy on digital now and pre-order on 4k Ultra HD Blu-ray and DVD.