In the last four years the British crime drama Tin Star has thrilled audiences across the world with hard-hitting action and an intimate family drama dynamic. Created by Rowan Joffé (Brighton Rock, The American, Before I Go to Sleep), the series follows Tim Roth (Jim Worth), Genevieve O’Reilly (Angela Worth) and Abigail Lawrie (their daughter Anna Worth) as they escape the reach of a violent past, setting up shop in the Canadian Rockies.

Things, as you’d expect, do not go according to plan…

Tin Star LiverpoolOver the course of three series and twenty-five episodes the Worths have fought hard to protect their family, with the final season seeing the action moving back to Liverpool for an explosive series finale. Newcomers to the cast include Ian Hart, Tanya Moodie, Joanne Whalley and Kerrie Hayes.

Today sees the Blu-ray & DVD release of Tin Star: Liverpool, as well as the Complete Series Boxset, so there’s never been a better time to catch up on the goings on of the series. The relocation to Liverpool for the final season brings the whole story full circle, and sees the most devastating events unfold for the family.

Tin Star LiverpoolLate last year we spoke to stars Tim Roth, Abigail Lawrie, and Genevieve O’Reilly about returning home for the culmination of the show, what they will miss most about their characters and, if there was an appetite, whether they would perhaps be up for one more go-around sometime in the future…

Dazzler Media presents Tin Star: Liverpool on Blu-ray & DVD from 15th February. You can win a copy right here.

Tin Star Liverpool BLu-rayAlso available as part of Tin Star: The Complete Story boxset

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