The remake of Conan the Barbarian, this time labeled Conan stars Jason Momoa as the lead character made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger alongside Stephen Lang, Bob Sapp, Leo Howard, Ron Perlman, Said Taghmaoui, and is directed by Marcus Nispel. Conan is based on the stories by Robert E. Howard written in 1932.
Conan is a young Cimmerian man cast adrift in the world by the brutal murder of his father and the destruction of his village. Driven by the need to avenge himself upon the evil Khalar Zym, Conan learns to steal, seduce, and fight his way to his goals. He soon discovers, however, that there are greater things at stake than his own personal quest: an unearthly malevolence stalks the world, and it may be up to Conan himself to save Hyboria from ruin.
Conan is released in the UK 24th August and in the US 19th August.