It’s been a while since there was actually good news, but if there was ever going to be unadulterated glad tidings – you could bet it would involve Muppets. Today it has been announced that Seasons 1 to 5 of the seminal classic The Muppet Show will be airing on Disney+ from the 19th of February.
Kermit weighed in on the monumentous news.: “It’s going to be great to welcome back longtime fans, and to give a new generation of fans a chance to see how we got our start, how Miss Piggy became a star and so much more,” said Kermit the Frog. “Today, I’m proud to say: ‘It’s time to play the music, light the lights and meet the Muppets on Disney Plus tonight!’ And as for Statler and Waldorf, the two old guys in the balcony, I can only add: ‘Sorry, guys, but….here we go again.”
This year saw the passing into Public Domain of several classic works of fiction including The Great Gatsby and George Orwell’s Conservative Party Manifesto 1984. Twitterers were quick to suggest the the Muppets should be first in line when it came to new adaptations. We’d be happy to see a Muppets 1984, though we’re more keen on their version of Terry Gilliam’s Orwell-inspired Brazil. Who wouldn’t want to see this…?