The Kingdom: Exodus is the eagerly anticipated third series of Lars von Trier’s cult-classic production, coming 25 years after it first aired. The wickedly dark, creative show has returned with aplomb, featuring an all-star cast with many of the finest names in Scandinavian film & TV – and to mark the occasion we spoke to two of them, chatting to Tuva Novotny and Nikolaj Lie Kaas.
Below you can watch both interviews in their entirety, as with Novotny we speak about the collaboration process with von Trier, and how experiences with filmmakers of this nature have affected her own approach to storytelling. Meanwhile Lie Kaas comments on the pressure – and excitement – stepping into such a familiar, popular world, and also digs into the cultural differences between different parts of Scandinavia – which is explored within the show. The pair also talk about their experiences shooting in an actual hospital, in the height of the Covid pandemic. Only von Trier…
Tuva Novotny
Nikolaj Lie Kaas