If you’re one of the 5 people on planet earth who haven’t seen James Cameron’s Avatar yet, you might want to avoid reading this post as it’s going to be hard to write without putting in a couple of spoilers. You’ve been warned so skip to another post if you don’t want to read more…..

At the end of Avatar, as you know if you’ve seen it, Sigourney Weaver’s character, Dr. Grace Augustine is killed off after being shot by Col. Quaritch, played by Stephen Lang (my interview with him here). She then got uploaded into Eywa, the spiritual tree of souls which is basically nature’s brain on planet Pandora where you go when you die. It seems though that Sigourney Weaver will be returning to Avatar 2 after appearing on French TV show, ‘Le Grand Journal’ and stating “it was clear she already talked about it with James Cameron and she surely would be part of it.”

This information comes from a letter sent into AICN. They also have the clip where Weaver say this which you can see embeded below. So does this mean that it’ll be a prequel or do you think that Weaver will be inbuilt into Pandora somehow? I guess for now we can only speculate but obviously more info as we get it.