Screwed is a new British movie based on a book by former prison officer Ronnie Thompson and and back in October last year while they were filming a scene based in Iraq I was able to visit the set and see the movie in production.

It was a cold and windy day, as you can tell from the interviews, and the weather didn’t seem keen to get into spirit of the Iraqi climate but I think you’ll agree that the result is superb. Leading actor James D’Arcy and director Reg Traviss were generous in sparing a couple of minutes in between takes on a busy day to answer a few questions.

To give you a little background info I was told that the tank commander in the opening shot had walked in off the street that morning to be an extra and ended up with that role. I was also told that the five swarthy gentlemen depicted in the poster behind James D’Arcy’s head are five guys from the artwork team who snuck their faces in.