Over the weekend we saw a number of reveals for the new Star Wars film, and while Rogue One may be a Star Wars Story centred around all new characters there’s enough connective tissue to hold this firmly to the body of work we know and love.
Though heavily
The picture below was tweeted out showing Smits looking a little older and less turtlenecky than he was in the final two Star Wars prequels, confirmed in this image to be one of the key members around the table as the fledgling rebellion comes together.
It’s a neat call back to the much maligned prequels, and though Smits was given very little to do in those films having him in this new film is a nice touch of fan service. Here he is in Rogue One.
Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa in Rogue One
BREAKING: first official pic of Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa in #RogueOne US Weekly special pic.twitter.com/jmHSjdwl74
— Andy (@IndianaJedi) November 25, 2016
But hold! There’s another!
Take a look and see if you spot them…
That’s right. It seems as if Wilhuff Tarkin (yes…Wilhuff) will be making an appearance in the film. It makes sense considering how close Rogue One sits to A New Hope, and James Luceno’s Rogue One prequel novel Catalyst also features something of a power struggle between Tarkin and Ben Mendelsohn’s Krennic. Chances are that we’ll see them on screen at some point.
It was rumoured at one point that CG was going to be used to bring the distinctive likeness of Peter Cushing back to the big screen (find out more here), but that’ll go unconfirmed until we see the film in a couple of weeks. Let’s hope they can steer well clear of the uncanny valley on this one.
Not convinced it’s him? Check out our 100% guaranteed picture,
Tarkin is most definitely probably in Rogue One
We have a couple of weeks to wait until all this is null and void. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is released on the 15th of December in the UK and on the 16th in the US.