Last week HeyUGuys were lucky enough to get invited along to the press conference for Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. I was there armed with my video camera and you can watch the entire press conference in full here. After the press conference, along with a group of my fellow bloggers and journalists, I was able to interview Kevin McKidd and Steve Coogan (interview here), Alex Andra Daddario and Brandon T. Jackson (below) and Logan Lerman and Chris Columbus (interview coming tomorrow).

All the interviews were audio recorded and I’ve placed the interviews below.

In the interview with Brandon and Alexandra, we talk about:

  • What it was like when they saw the movie for the first time (00:00)
  • Brandon tells us for his love in English tea
  • How Alexandra got involved with the project and how she studied for the role
  • How Brandon knew Alexandra would be cast in the role as Athena
  • How Brandon got used to working and walking on tip-toes and how he had to wear blue tights (5:20)
  • How can you make a film about Greek mythology in 2010? (7min)
  • Did they have to learn about Greek Mythology for their roles? (7:53)
  • The Lotus hotel scenes and the fun Brandon had making it and what got cut from the final release! (8:44)
  • How they found working with Hollywood ‘mega stars’ (10:00)
  • Brandon talks working on Tropic Thunder (11:16)
  • Brandon’s working in comedy (11:35)
  • What’s next? (12:30)
  • Alexandra talks working on ‘All my Children’ and what she learnt (13:35)
  • Did anyone get hurt during filming from all the swinging swords?! (14:52)
  • Have you read the rest of the books? (15:20)
  • Moving onto the poster that was next to the table! (15:24)
  • Back to the books! (16:14)

You can follow Brandon T. Jackson on twitter here or HeyUGuys here.

[gplayer href=”″] Interview with Alexandra Daddario & Brandon T. Jackson: [/gplayer]