Originally, both Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender were set to reprise their roles in Sir Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel Alien: Covenant, but following reports that The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo star would be making only a brief cameo, we now know that she won’t actually be in it at all! Fassbender on the other hand is still expected to return as David.
In a recent interview with The Daily Mail, Scott responded with a definitive “no” when asked about Rapace being involved, adding only that they’re “still casting the main roles.”
The reason that her character isn’t being brought back hasn’t been revealed, but it’s a strange decision considering the fact that she played such a pivotal role in Prometheus. Scott has previously said that David finds a unique solution to not having a body…could he have taken hers?! That seems unlikely, but you never know with a franchise like Alien.
As for the pressure and challenges which comes with returning to this series, the filmmaker had this to say: “It is bloody brain surgery! You’re putting together a whole group of people, you’re trying to budget as accurately as you can and, at the end of it, you’ve got to sell a lot of tickets. That’s more complex than banking – but a few of us manage to pull it off.”
Alien: Covenant is set to be released next October and