What’s great about this new trailer for The Wicker Tree is the first thing you hear – the rich and resonant voice of Sir Christopher Lee giving us an immediate link to Robin Hardy’s film The Wicker Man, one of the finest horror films ever made.

Lee, who popped up on HeyUGuys a few posts ago, isn’t reprising his role as Lord Summerisle in Hardy’s new filmĀ  as this is not a sequel, remake or reboot, but what Hardy and his team are calling a companion piece to the celebrated original.

This is the second trailer we’ve seen for Hardy’s film, the first teaser that was released gave a flavour which spoke of a shared tone between the Wicker films, and now we get to learn a little more about the story Hardy has cooked up for us and we get a chance to see Graham McTavish and Brittania Nicol as well as this image, which I’m hoping gets explained in the film.

Here’s the link to the official site (via Bloody Disgusting) which has the trailer on the front page. It’s certainly not safe for work and contains rituals and entrails, nakedness and shouting. Grand.

Click Here To See the Trailer