When Star Wars: The Force Awakens is released this December, thirty two years will have passed since the release and events of Return of the Jedi. An awful lot can happen in that time, and Disney and Lucasfilm have now announced plans for at least twenty books which will fill in the gaps between the two movies.

These will range from novels to storybooks and a stickerbooks, and they will also be full of Easter Eggs which drop clues about what fans should expect from J.J. Abrams’ (Star Trek) new Star Wars movie.

Unlike the now scrapped “Expanded Universe”, all of these will be canon similar to the Star Wars Rebels animated series and the various Star Wars Marvel Comics series. “The Force Awakens is an extraordinarily, heavily guarded storyline. To track it, a lot of top-secret meetings were happening up in San Francisco as we worked through this program,” says Andrew Sugerman, vice president of Disney Publishing Worldwide.

Only a handful of titles have been revealed, including a novel called Star Wars: Aftermath and another Marvel prequel series which will be titled Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens. A number of novels will be released retelling the events of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi from the perspective of various supporting characters. Who those will be remains to be seen as of right now!

This is an interesting idea and one which should help get Star Wars fans even more excited for the movie.