If there’s one film we’re looking forward to in 2010, it’s Matthew Vaughn’s adaptation of Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass. Early screening at BNAT last week were unanimous in their appreciation for Vaughn’s unconventional take on the superhero genre, and critics marveled at its visceral, highly stylised action and none more so than the bloody justice unleashed by the 11 year old Mindy Macready, better known as Hit Girl.

There is something strangely hilarious about the notion of a young girl teaming up with her father (Big Daddy – played by Nicolas Cage) and doing untold acts of violence to a roomful of bad guys. And while I agree with Peter Scrietta (of /Film who pointed us to this new poster) that the marketing is deliberately trying to widen the appeal to those who will be buying Iron Man 2 tickets next summer, I think that anything that works alongside the tremendous buzz associated already with this new film is worthwhile.

Click on the image below to reveal the full glory of Hit Girl and you can check out the previous images here.

Big Daddy

Red Mist

Kick Ass

KickAss HitGirl