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Matthew Vaughn on his version X-Men: Days of Future Past and possibly remaking Fantastic Four


It’s been a busy week for filmmaker Matthew Vaughn – not only is he in the midst of promoting his new film, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, he has been fielding many questions about some of his previous films, most prominently those around comic-books and superheroes, given his connection to both X-Men and Kick Ass.

Indeed, during our recent chat with him, he spoke about the rumours linking him to the Man of Steel sequel and that he has had talks about the film, but he has also been speaking about his ideas for X-Men: Days of Future Past which, for a short period, he was going to direct before Bryan Singer eventually took the reigns.

Much of the story from Vaughn and Jane Goldman was included in the final film but the filmmaker told Uproxx there were definitely differences between his ideas and the film that was released, saying:

“The reason I haven’t done sequels in the past is they just weren’t exciting me… And on ‘Days of Future Past,’ even though I co-wrote the bloody thing, the reason I bailed out of it is two things: First, I respect Bryan Singer hugely and ‘X-Men’ is Bryan’s world and I feel he let me play in his sandbox. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t my sandbox. I wanted my own sandbox. And, second, I didn’t want to do ‘Days of Future’ Past next. I felt that one should be in a trilogy and ‘Days of Future Past’ should be the finale of that story. I would have done a film in-between where you meet the young Wolverine and a new character, and then ‘Days of Future Past’ became the young Wolverine and the old Wolverine and just really blow it out.”

SEE ALSO: Read our review of Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Indeed, speaking with Collider, he went into more details about his story, saying:

“Bryan [Singer] did a few things, which I thought were genius that weren’t in my script. I had Juggernaut breaking into the Pentagon, he changed it to Quicksilver and did that fucking brilliantly, I have to add. My idea was the sentinels at the end, I wanted them to look like Mystique. I thought there should be thousands of Mystiques attacking them in the future. He changed a few more of the mutants, but it was pretty close,”

In a separate interview, Cinema Blend spoke to Vaughn about his involvement with Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four, which did not fare well at all, but he hopes that one day he may be able to make it up to the fans of the characters, adding:

“I wouldn’t mind maybe making a ‘Fantastic Four’ film to apologize to everyone out there that maybe it didn’t go very well for them. It’s brilliant. One of my favorites is the Fantastic Four, so maybe one day I’ll try and rectify the mistake,”

Kingsman: The Golden Circle is out now in UK cinemas.


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