Edward Scissorhands, one of director Johnny Depp’s best-loved roles (and one of director Tim Burton’s finest films), will be returning to our screens for the first time in more than twenty years!

The eleventh season of Seth MacFarlane’s Family Guy kicks off in America this September, and EW report that Depp has returned to a role that went a long way to gaining him recognition back in 1990.

“In a brief cameo, Depp voices Edward in one of the show’s cutaway gags. It did take a second for the actor — who watches the show with his kids — to get back into that vulnerable character from two decades ago, though. “When he was in the booth, he said that he felt like he hadn’t done that voice since he did it in front of the camera,” notes Family Guy executive producer Mark Hentemann. “He was able to snap right back into Edward Scissorhands once we pulled up a clip from the movie.” Adds Hentemann: “He was amazing — and demonstrated extraordinary patience with all the fawning women in our office who swarmed him.””

Family Guy will be returning for its new season on 30th September over in the States. And if you can’t wait that long, we’ve still got MacFarlane’s directorial debut, Ted, to look forward to this summer, due out on 1st August. I can’t wait. It looks genius.

In case you’ve never seen it before, or if you’d like a bit of Friday afternoon nostalgia, here’s the trailer for Burton’s Oscar-nominated film.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq2PPFUhfpo’]