class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-41977″ title=”Natalie Portman” src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”150″ />It’s evident Natalie Portman is hot property in Hollywood following the rave reviews for her performance in Darren Aronosfky’s psychological ballet drama Black Swan, and has lined up several projects in the aftermath.
Portman may well add another film to that growing list in the form of the hotly-anticipated Superman reboot, nonetheless.
Moviehole reported yesterday that Aronofsky is in talks with producer Christopher Nolan about directing Warner Bros’ big-screen Superman film, joining several other hopefuls who are being touted for the high-profile job.
If that’s not enough to wet your appetitie, then further reports from Moviehole have suggested that Natalie Portman is in line to portray Lois Lane, possibly reuniting her with Aronofsky after the critically acclaimed Black Swan.
Warner Bros. apparently wanted Portman to play the character in Bryan Singer’s 2006 Superman film but, because she turned it down, the part eventually went to Kate Bosworth.
At the moment, all these reports are speculation, but the thought of Aronosfky and Portman collaborating on a Superman project is enough to make any fan boy jump for joy, surely?