It’s been a funny couple of weeks for Marvels, The Avengers as most of the news has focused around Edward Norton losing his role as The Hulk and then moved towards the discussion of, who’s going to replace him?

Well, this evening tweets started coming in from various people who were at the Marvel panel at Comic-Con to tell us that Joss Whedon has now been confirmed to be directing The Avengers.

The flurry of tweets all came from ComingSoon, FirstShowing and FusedFilm who are all excited to be able to share the news that he is in fact directing. Jon put up the news a while back but no official press release had been issued from Marvel – well, I guess the man himself has spoken.

They continued to tell us that Whedon is currently re-working the script and that he’s also very interest in this era of 3d which could hint towards The Avengers coming in 3d also.

More as we get it.