We present our interviews from the TIFF premiere of Australian TV Series Black Bitch (Total Control is perhaps a new title touted for the show).

The show had its premiere at the 2019 Toronto Film Festival, and those attending were director Rachel Perkins, Rachel Griffiths, Deborah Mailman, Harry Richardson. The series also stars Anthony Hayes, Sean Barker, Carolyn Dante, James Sweeny, Phillip John Hastings, David Nicoll and Graham Gall. The series is written by Jada Alberts, Angela Betzien, Pip Karmel.


An Indigenous woman in Australia is thrust into the political limelight. Rachel Anderson is the embattled but cunning Prime Minister of Australia. Alex is a charismatic, indigenous up-and-coming politician who finds herself the centre of media attention following a shocking event. Rachel wants to use Alex to boost her popularity and further her own agenda. Alex is wise to the Prime Minister’s betrayal and sets out for revenge that may break the whole political establishment