Aftermath is an entertaining action thriller released in the States this weekend, and to mark the occasion we had the pleasure of speaking to its leading duo; the hero Dylan Sprouse, and his on-screen antagonist, Mason Gooding.
In real life, however, the the aforementioned dynamic could not be further from reality, as the duo have struck up a good friendship off the back of this project, making for one of the more wholesome interviews we’ve conducted of late. They speak in length about why they felt it was so important they became friends, and why they believe this to be a more useful process for them, than keeping out of each other’s way, and to be more method.
Watch the full interview with Dylan Sprouse & Mason Gooding here:
A returning war veteran, stricken with PTSD, unwittingly gets trapped with his teenage sister on Boston’s Tobin Memorial Bridge as a heavily weaponized group of ex-military revolutionist take everyone hostage.
Aftermath is out now