Various actors have taken on the task of playing the President of the United States; from the likes of Jack Nicholson and Michael Douglas, to Harrison Ford and Danny Glover – and now you can add Aaron Eckhart to the list, as he takes on the role of Benjamin Asher, in Antoine Fuqua’s Olympus Has Fallen. We were fortunate to sit down with the star of The Dark Knight and talk about playing the leader of the United States of America…

Starring alongside Gerard Butler, Eckhart’s Asher finds himself in a spot of bother when The White House is the victim of a terrorist attack and he is being held hostage, with only his former guard left alone to save him. Eckhart talks about his own research into playing the President, whether he has compared notes with Jamie Foxx (who takes on a similar role in the upcoming White House Down), while he also tells us of an upcoming project of his own – I, Frankenstein.

Olympus has Fallen is released in UK cinemas this Wednesday 17th April. You can see all our coverage of the movie here.