Produced and directed by parents Jimmy Edmonds and Jane Harris, this poignant documentary tells the stories of families who have lost their children suddenly and without much of a reason or explanation. It’s a heart-breaking film and there are no words to describe just how much emotion went into making this documentary.

Jimmy and Jane both lost their son Josh at the age of 22 as he was traveling through Vietnam in 2011. He was killed due to a road accident. Not only do Jimmy and Jane tell their story of Josh, but they also narrate the documentary as well as travel the US to visit those who know and understand bereavement just as much as they do. They interview the families of those who have lost children not only to make sure their stories are heard, but to also help with their own loss.

As well as Josh Edmonds, we hear from the families of Jessi Hawkins, Jesse Martinez, Max Rose, Jordan Anglin, Nicholas Pezant and Madison and Christian St Pierre – all of whom lost their lives at such a young age. A Love That Never Dies is the story of heartbreak and love and features personal videos, homemade movies and memories of the children and their families. It’s a homage to them and to others who have suffered in losing a loved one. Each interview is raw and filled with pain and grief. When watching, you don’t realise it’s Jimmy and Jane that are asking the bereaved families the questions. They are empathetic and are giving them the time and space to speak up about their children.

a love that never dies

The footage featured is beautiful and funny but it only shows you that a moment of memory can be played on repeat, but it’s not a substitute and never will be for the real thing. To have your son or daughter back in your life, back in your arms and loving you with every inch of their hearts, is impossible and now only a dream. It’s a tragic loss and it’s hard to watch how these parents react to their children’s deaths, knowing that they’re gone, physically from their lives, forever. “I’ve walked through the fear of most parents”. Nobody wants to die, but nobody wants their children to die before them even more.

These parents, although are constantly grieving in their own ways, are out there celebrating the lives of their children, sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews. “Grief needs to be honoured” and they do so by fundraising, going on adventures and even holding on to the little things that are treasured the most. A Love That Never Dies is powerful, captivating and insightful. Although hard to watch at times, it puts you in the shoes of the families who have had their lives turned upside from one single moment in time.

A Love Never Dies
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Alex is a freelance Journalist who has been writing for HeyUGuys since 2017, after she graduated from the University of Westminster. Now CEO of Just Life Productions, Alex has started a career in producing and writing for film and TV. She has just finished producing her first award winning short film, and has started co-writing a short series which will be released on to YouTube in the near future.
a-love-that-never-dies-reviewThis is a labour of love and loss, and a powerful film that dares to look at one of the most heartbreaking events a person can experience and find the light.