class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-157462″ title=”Ray Winstone and Ben Drew” src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”150″ />Last week, I got to catch up with Ray Winstone, Ben Drew, Hayley Atwell and Damian Lewis for their new movie The Sweeney which comes to a cinema near you this Wednesday 12th September. Usually we’re put in a dark room with lots of lights making it all nice and cosy but Entertainment One did a fantastic job placing the interviews in a hotel with a wonderful panoramic view of London showing off much of what we see in the movie itself.

The interviews were paired and today we have the first of the two interviews with Ray and Ben (aka Plan B). I chat with them about what they knew of The Sweeney before they took on the role, how they’ve brought it into the 21st Century and how they managed to shoot some of the elaborate scenes in the movie, specifically the one they shot in Trafalgar Square which involved rather a lot of gunfire.

You may remember that during my interview with Ray a little while back for Snow White ad the Huntsman, he mentioned there could be some sequels on the way so I ask him to elaborate on that a little more also. The interview ends with Ray taking the mickey out of the name of our website but I’ll let you watch on for that one! đŸ™‚

If you’ve missed our review of The Sweeney, click here to have a read and make sure you check back tomorrow for our interview with Hayley Atwell and Damian Lewis where I attempt to get some Captain America: The Winter Soldier information out of her as well as more info on The Avengers deleted scene between her character of Peggy and and Chris Evans (Captain America) so stay tuned for that!

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