9.  Captain America: No More

Captain America No More

After refusing to become a government sponsored agent for a regime he didn’t believe in, Steve Rogers spoke out against the government that he admired so much and began to work outside of the law, adopting a new identity as The Captain. Many heroes have abandoned their super hero persona over the years, but this arc was groundbreaking at the time for having the patriot stand up to the government in order to preserve his own beliefs.

As if that isn’t all cinematic enough, Captain America: No More would also feature The Serpent Society, Nomad, Diamondback, D-Man and perhaps most interestingly of all, the US Agent. The overly patriotic hero is the opposite of Cap in some ways, and seeing their opposing viewpoints come to the fore both in their arguments and physically could help make one of the most thought-provoking and interesting Marvel movies yet.