I was 13 when Doom was first released on PC (MS-DOS – remember that!?) and I wasn’t allowed to play it until a fair few years later because of the gun and varying violence littered throughout!

It’s first-person format allowed users to walk through levels killing everything in their path, picking up armour, extra weapons and ammo along the way. Doom paved the way years later for the likes of Halo and Gears of War to follow years later with it’s blocky graphics, bloody violence and fantastic game-play. Doom’s engine was used by multiple other games including Heretic, Hexen: Beyond Heretic and Strife: Quest for the Sigil and is still to this day regarded as a game-changer in the computer gaming industry.

Gameplay from 1993 Doom

Now 23 years later, Doom is set to hit PC, PS4 and Xbox One again and Tron: Legacy & Oblivion director Joseph Kosinski has created this visually stunning trailer for the game.

For their faults, Tron: Legacy and Oblivion both looked absolutely stunning and it’s no surprise that Kosinski was called upon to create this fantastic trailer.

Check it out below and let us know what you think.

Doom Trailer (2016)