To mark the release of Under the Shadow on 10th February, we’ve been given a Limited Edition Blu-ray Boxset to give away.

1988 Tehran, Shideh (Narges Rashidi) is rejected by her medical school as a consequence of her politically active history. Her husband is sent off to serve in the Iran-Iraq War. Iraqi air raids are drawing perilously close to their own apartment. As neighbours and friends flee from a city in chaos, Shideh and her daughter Dorsa (Avin Manshadi) are left on their own. But Dorsa starts to become increasingly ill and disturbed. Tantrums sparked by a missing doll are initially dismissed, but as they worsen Shideh becomes terrified that they’ve been targeted by a djinn – a malevolent spirit that steals from those it seeks to possess.

Drawing comparisons to Jennifer Kent’s breakout hit The Babadook for its nuanced exploration of motherhood through horror, Under the Shadow also unflinchingly examines the female experience of war and of everyday suppression and the demons it creates.

HeyUGuys CompetitionsPlease note: This competition is open to UK residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Small Print

  • Open to UK residents only
  • The competition will close 13th February 2020 at 23.59 GMT
  • The winner will be picked at random from entries received
  • No cash alternative is available
  • To coincide with GDPR regulations, competition entry information will not be stored once the competition has ended and the winners have been chosen and prizes sent out.

The usual T&Cs can be found here. Good Luck!