To mark the release of Nine Lives on 12th December, we’ve been given 3 copies to give away on Blu-ray.

Tom Brand (Kevin Spacey), billionaire businessman and soon-to-be owner of the tallest skyscraper in the northern hemisphere, is a workaholic whose lifestyle has disconnected him from his family, particularly his beautiful wife Lara (Jennifer Garner) and his adoring daughter Rebecca (Malina Weissman). When Tom forgets to buy Rebecca a present for her 11th birthday he rushes out in a panic and finds himself in a mystical pet store brimming with odd and exotic cats. Fortunately the store’s eccentric owner, Felix Perkins (Christopher Walken), has the perfect pet for him: Fluffy feline, Mr. Fuzzypants.

However Mr. Fuzzypants proves to be both a blessing and a curse…  En route to his daughter’s party, Tom has a terrible accident. When he regains consciousness he discovers that he has become trapped inside the body of the cat…! Despite being a self-professed cat hater, after a serious of hilarious scrapes Tom realises that occupying the body of a fluffy moggy can have its benefits – namely, spending more time with his family.

HeyUGuys Competitions

Please note: This competition is open to UK residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Small Print

  • Open to UK residents only
  • The competition will close 15th December 2016 at 23.59 GMT
  • The winner will be picked at random from entries received
  • No cash alternative is available

The usual T&Cs can be found here. Good Luck!