To mark the release of Heart of a Dog on 13th June, we’ve been given 3 copies to give away on DVD.

Cantering on director Laurie Anderson’s beloved rat terrier, Lolabelle, who died in 2011, Heart of a Dog is the filmmaker’s cinematic journey through love, death and language. The film weaves together a plethora of artistic influence, including childhood memories, video diaries, philosophical musings on data collection, surveillance culture and the Buddhist conception of the afterlife and heartfelt tributes to the artists, writers, musicians and thinkers who have inspired her.

Fusing her own witty, inquisitive narration with original violin compositions, hand-drawn animation, 8mm home movies and artwork culled from exhibitions past and present, Anderson creates a hypnotic, collage-like visual language out of the raw materials of her life and art, examining how stories are constructed and told – and how we use them to make sense of our lives.

HeyUGuys Competitions

Please note: This competition is open to UK residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Heart of a Dog is released on DVD 13 June. Order your copy from

The Small Print

  • Open to UK residents only
  • The competition will close 23rd June 2016 at 23.59 GMT
  • The winner will be picked at random from entries received
  • No cash alternative is available

The usual T&Cs can be found here. Good Luck!