To mark the release of American Dad: Volume 11 on 21st November, we’ve been given  copies to give away on DVD.

Stan’s blissfully unaware wife, Francine, has an unfaltering loyalty that allows her to turn a blind eye toward Stan’s unabashed arrogance. Meanwhile, Stan constantly butts heads with his 18-year-old, left-wing activist daughter Hayley who knows just how to push her father’s buttons, whether it’s by helping the homeless, demanding women’s rights or advocating gun control. Hayley’s 14-year-old brother is the geeky-yet-confident Steve, a kid who spends his time playing video games and obsessing about the opposite sex.

The Smith cabinet is rounded out by two rather unconventional members: Roger, the sassy, sarcastic and routinely inappropriate space alien who is constantly trying on new disguises and, with them, new personalities, and Klaus, the attention-starved goldfish with the brain of a German Olympic skier who always throws in his two cents, regardless of whether anyone is listening.

HeyUGuys Competitions

Please note: This competition is open to UK residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Small Print

  • Open to UK residents only
  • The competition will close 5th December 2016 at 23.59 GMT
  • The winner will be picked at random from entries received
  • No cash alternative is available

The usual T&Cs can be found here. Good Luck!